Quantum Light (9788862082136)

David Benjamin Sherry (born 1981) graduated with an MFA in photography from the Yale School of Art in 2007. Just three years later, in 2010, his color-saturated photographs became the face of the Greater New York exhibition at MoMA/PS1; that same year, he was named as one of the 50 up-and- coming American talents by The New York Times T magazine. In Quantum Light, Sherry's second publication, he continues his exploration of vivid color, ramping up the saturation and expanding his subject matter, in works incorporating landscapes, collage, still life, abstraction, portraiture and sculpture. A conversation between Sherry and Collier Schorr serves as preface to this beautifully produced clothbound volume, which is published to coincide with the artist's first New York solo show at Salon 94.

Product details

  • Hardback | 72 pages
  • 208 x 270 x 15.24mm | 690g
  • Bologna, Italy
  • English
  • Illustrated in colour throughout
  • 8862082134
  • 9788862082136
  • 1,031,771

Download Quantum Light (9788862082136).pdf, available at shelleycastle.org for free.



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