Dank Bladder Axe - A Novella (9781081415983)

For a split-moment I glimpsed what she allowed me to see of her. A Goliath insanity nearly be-fell me as I saw her, her scaly eye and power she holds. So many mythical dark-wonders does she threaten everything with. Fortunately, as a man of resilience, I was able to soak up her grim, mocking message; and I know that all three of us Uglys took it. And then came the space. Deep, deep space..* And The soft pitter-patter of poems dissolve as the sleep.. ..leaves me. What a long, insane night it has been again, deep in the past, the future, the other.. how much longer will these words come at me, in sleep, where rest is needed, not mysteries, riddles. Sleep I need! My name is..

Product details

  • Paperback | 236 pages
  • 127 x 203 x 13mm | 239g
  • English
  • 1081415983
  • 9781081415983

Download Dank Bladder Axe - A Novella (9781081415983).pdf, available at shelleycastle.org for free.



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